
Excerpt From the Book - Retribution | Chapter 6

She hated it down there, down there in that dark basement. It was always cold and damp and had musty smells. She cried and pleaded with him to let her out, but he never would… not until she got right.

What Motivated Me to Write | Rage Matters

The motivation for Rage Matters was kind of odd. I was watching a movie one evening. There was a scene where a young girl snuggled up next to her dad as they watched a movie. I couldn’t help thinking what if she looked up at him and innocently said, “Dad, I think mom’s a serial killer.” She’d then get up and playfully skip off to her room, leaving a befuddled dad thinking, “You know? She has been acting weird lately.”

 I sat down that evening and began writing chapter one. I had a lot of fun writing this novel.

Scene from the book | Harper Mane, Chapter 4

So in this scene Harper decides it’s time to get word on the street that a new investigation was in play. Everyone knew of the black girl murders, as the locals referred to them, and that the police investigation had stalled. She realized that money would come into play, and that a bunch of her colleagues would sniff around looking for a quick pay day. Her goal was to let them know they needn’t bother.

This scene shows Harper’s first contact with Zach. It was common knowledge people considered him a redneck, but his unique mullet caught her off guard. It was something she’d never be able to unsee. Though a distraction during their conversation, she refocused as he inadvertently revealed his potential involvement in the murders.

I intended this scene to be short, a lead in to the following one, which introduced more Samanta weirdness. But as I wrote it, interesting things about Zach kept popping up. It forced Harper’s focus away from Samanta as she realized there may be more to Zach than she suspected.