Thinking of Abandoning Your Writing?
You’ve Hit a Rough Spot and Need a Pep Talk
You've been thinking about giving up writing. You probably have a million different reasons: maybe you don't think your work is good enough, or maybe you’re afraid of public response. Maybe the creative process feels like work instead of fun. Whatever the reason, there are ways to get past them.
Sometimes, your writing needs some rest and so do you.
If you're exasperated with writing, don't worry, we’ve all been there. Take a break and do something else for a while. When you feel refreshed, come back to it. You’ll have a new perspective and your creative juices will naturally begin flowing again. Reluctant to step away? Maybe some music will help. Try a creative activity that isn't writing.
Consider these points
Take a walk outside and embrace the beauty of nature.
Read a book.
Take up drawing or painting.
Go for a drive or bike ride.
Try your hand at cooking.
Watch one of those nature documentaries on Netflix.
My point is there are many ways to get your mind off of writing. Find something you like doing and enjoy it as much as you like. You won’t be wasting time while you’re away. You’ll be glad you did when you get back to writing.
There are many reasons people stop writing or give up entirely
Lack of motivation: If you're not motivated to write, your productivity will suffer.
Lack of confidence: Don't let fear hold you back. You can do this, even if you're starting from scratch. Trust me, I realize it’s easier said than done. But it works for me and countless others and I’m sure It will work for you.
Lack of time: Writing is a labor-intensive process. If you find you don't have enough time to dedicate yourself fully to the craft, then maybe you should temporarily step away and reflect on ways to reduce or eliminate the time-sucking processes in your life. Notice I said temporarily.
Lack of inspiration: It's important that we always keep ourselves open to new ideas and perspectives. That being said, sometimes finding inspiration can be difficult, but not impossible. Try some of these.
Read quotes from other authors.
Read social media posts from people who are also looking for inspiration.
Re-read some of your old works.
Look over notes you’ve jotted down for future works.
Write For Yourself
You should always write for yourself. Some people have trouble writing because they are trying too hard or focusing on pleasing others instead of themselves. The important thing is that whatever work comes out of your process, it is meaningful to you (even if no one else reads it). Remember, it’s your story. What you write has to come from within you, from within your heart. The public will receive it the way it makes sense for them. You can’t try to get in front of that and let it influence your work. As a writer, you’re pouring your heart out for public consumption. You’re going to fail, fall somewhere in the middle, or enjoy riches beyond your wildest dreams. Either way, you’ll feel better for knowing you did it your way.
Writing is a skill that improves with practice and time.
It takes time to learn. It improves with practice and it's something you can only get better at by writing. You don't become a great writer overnight; it doesn't happen in one day or in one week. The more you write (and receive feedback) the better your writing will be. Don't give up because you're not good at it yet and don't compare yourself to other writers either - especially successful ones.
We all have our difficulties as writers, but there's no reason we can't get step away for a while and get back into it. As long as you're determined to continue improving your skills, you'll always find joy in writing. I hope this article offered some relief. As always, thanks for visiting my site and please consider subscribing to the newsletter.