I don’t need total silence when I write. I can deal with natural surroundings. There are certain distractions, however, that are self-induced, and I really need to take a more proactive role in eliminating them. In the video, Lisa Simpson is in a constant state of distraction and dealing with the dreaded block.
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Lisa Simpson, The Simpsons
Lacking Confidence:
I put my writing on hold for years, about ten to be exact, because I simply lacked confidence in my ability. It seemed like everyone who ever put a single word on paper was a best-selling author, people with enough degrees to cover a wall, or the occasional axe murderer. I figured how the heck can I compete with that? Bottom line, I allowed intimidation to hinder my productivity.
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Brenda Smit-James, #confidentwriter
Writer’s Block:
I used to struggle with writer’s block. Staring at a blank screen, trying feverishly to will my words upon it, was at times a bit maddening. I don’t have that issue much any longer. How did I overcome it? I changed my writing style. I became a pantser. Once I ditched the outline and stopped pre-planning chapters, my anxiety level went way down and blank pages were no longer an issue. It was very liberating.
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Shannon, Reedsy.com
So I’m writing a first draft and going for a home run. I’m going to nail this thing and won’t even have to edit it. This will be phenomenal, the greatest feat of writing prowess known to man. And then reality set in as I realized I had wasted hours, if not days, trying to pump out a perfect first draft. If you have fallen into this trap, take a step back right now and refocus that energy towards something more realistic.
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Michael La Ronn, Authorlevelup.com
Have you dealt with any of these issues? If so, how did you overcome it?