Breaking Through Writer's Block

Strategies For Success



Writer's block is a common problem experienced by authors, journalists, bloggers, and anyone who makes a living through writing. It is an inability to write, or a lack of motivation to write. It is important to understand the causes and strategies to overcome it.

Writer's block has been around throughout written communication. Ancient Greek poets complained about it, and modern authors still struggle with it. Writers describe it as a feeling of being “stuck” or “blocked” when sitting down to write. Several factors can cause it, from fear of failure to perfectionism. It can be both a mental and physical manifestation of stress and anxiety. It can range from difficulty finding the right words to a complete lack of motivation or inability to even begin a project. Regardless of the type of writer's block, there are strategies to help break through it.

The first step is to understand what it is and the common causes of it. Authors relate it to lack of inspiration, fear of failure, perfectionism, burnout, or even overthinking. Once you understand the causes, you can explore different strategies to overcome it. The ideas behind these strategies can range from simple changes to your writing routine to engaging with creative activities. Combat writer's block by setting goals, staying organized, and writing without worrying about perfection.

01 | Strategies to Overcome Writer's Block

Writer’s block can feel like a formidable obstacle, but with the right strategies, anyone can overcome it and get back to putting ideas on the page. Here are six proven strategies that help.

  1. Explore Your Creative Process: to break through writer’s block, understand how you write best. Explore methods that get ideas flowing, such as brainstorming, outlining, freewriting, and research. Writers develop their own creative process to break through a block.

  2. Take Breaks from writing: breaks can give your mind and body the rest it needs to get back to the creative process. Taking brief breaks throughout the day can help to maintain focus and keep your mind fresh. When you hit a wall, take a break and come back to your writing with a fresh perspective.

  3. Change the Location of Your Writing: shaking up your writing routine can help break through the block. Go to a different place to write, whether it’s a library or a cafe. Change the scenery and give yourself a new environment to work in. You may find that an additional space can give you the energy you need to write again.

  4. Assign Yourself Writing Prompts: writing prompts can help you find inspiration when you’re struggling to get started. Give yourself a brief writing assignment, such as describing a place you’ve always wanted to visit. Prompts can help you get the ideas flowing.

  5. Fill Your Inspiration Bank: building up an inspiration bank can help you break through writer’s block. Collect quotes, articles, images, and ideas that give you energy and inspiration. When you hit a wall, look through your inspiration bank for ideas.

  6. Set Realistic Expectations: make sure the expectations you set for yourself are realistic and achievable. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have a perfect first draft. Let go of the need for perfection and focus on writing and exploring ideas.

02 | Developing Habits to Avoid Writer's Block

Creating a routine of good writing habits is one of the best things you can do to overcome writer’s block. There are several strategies that can help. With a few simple steps, you can ensure that you never get stuck and can maintain your productivity levels.

  1. Write for a set amount of time each day: this is great for getting into the habit of writing. Whether it’s an hour or two, setting aside time to write can help you stay focused and motivated. Block off a set amount of time each day and work through it. Don’t let yourself get distracted or take breaks. This will help to build up the endurance to stay focused.

  2. Schedule time for brainstorming: think about ideas, explore different angles, and create outlines. Allow yourself the opportunity to be creative. This will help you push past blockages.

  3. Don’t be afraid to write badly: this can help to reduce the fear of failure, which is a common cause of writer’s block. Allow yourself to write without worrying about the quality of the words. You can always revise and edit your work later.

  4. Stay organized: Create a system to help you track your ideas, notes, drafts, and research. This will help you keep track of all the elements that go into a project and ensure that you miss nothing important.

  5. Make the most of your research.: explore different sources of information and use them to improve your writing. Look for inspiration in books, articles, and conversations with others. This will help to fuel your creativity and ensure that you have plenty of material to work with.

03 | Common Cause of Writer’s Block

Many writers experience difficulty in producing new content, and it might be difficult for them to determine the exact cause of their block. A variety of things can cause writer’s block, such as psychological, or even environmental factors. Here are some of the most common causes of writer’s block that can hinder your creativity.

  1. Overthinking: it’s easy to get caught up in worrying about the quality and questioning the rightness of it. Overthinking can cause writers to become paralyzed with fear and unable to move forward.

  2. Fear of Failure: fear of failure is another major roadblock. When we’re afraid of producing something that isn’t perfect, it's difficult to write with any kind of confidence.

  3. Perfectionism: this can be especially difficult when writing for a client who you want to impress. When you’re trying to make everything perfect, it's difficult to progress and move forward with your writing.

  4. Burnout: when we become overwhelmed with the amount of work we have to do, and the deadlines we have to meet, it's difficult to find the motivation to write. Burnout can also lead to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity.

  5. Lack of Inspiration: when you’re not sure what to write about, or if you feel you’ve already written about everything, it's difficult to move forward.


Writer’s block is a common issue that affects many writers, but it doesn’t have to stop you from achieving your goals. By understanding the causes of, and developing habits to avoid it, you can break through and keep writing. Following these seven steps can help.

  1. Take breaks from writing.

  2. Change the location of where you write.

  3. Assign yourself writing prompts.

  4. Set realistic expectations for yourself.

  5. Try to write for a set amount of time each day.

  6. Schedule time for brainstorming.

  7. Don’t fear writing badly.

By forming habits to prevent writer’s block, you can conquer its common causes. Through this process, you’ll learn to appreciate the journey instead of seeing it as an obstacle. Keep calm, stay motivated, and know that you can overcome writer’s block.


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